Introducing Tatum Emory Skillman

At 4:07am on Thursday, July 21st, our beautiful baby girl made her debut…finally!  After 25 hours of labor and an infection in my uterine lining that caused me to spike a fever and her heart rate to rise to a somewhat-scary level, Tatum Emory was born weighing 6 lbs, 13 oz and was 19.75 inches long.  She spent the first 36 hours in the Special Care Nursery because of the potential for her to get my infection (which, thankfully, she did not), as well as her having some blood sugar and temperature issues.  But she came around very quickly and was able to go home when I did, which was wonderful.

So far, we have been home with her for almost a week and are loving every minute.  She eats great and sleeps well.  We have been so lucky to have such a great baby!  All of our friends and family who have come to visit have been wonderful to all of us as well.  We have more food than we know what to do with and the house is so pretty with all of the beautiful flowers we have received.

While life as we know it has just changed forever, we couldn’t be happier.  I don’t think either of us expected to become so attached so quickly to this little being.  Shawn is truly smitten and she already has him wrapped around her tiny little finger–something I don’t see changing…ever!

As for me, I feel great!  Everyone keeps telling me how yucky I should be feeling and how tired I should be, but I am really not.  Maybe it will come once Shawn goes back to work, but for now I am feeling really good.  At the one week mark, I have lost half of the weight I had gained while pregnant and am almost back in my regular clothes.  I can finally wear my wedding rings again and am beginning to feel like my old self–so no complaints there!

Over the next few months while I am at home on maternity leave, I hope to keep these posts up and to start adding photos.  I just have to find time between diaper changes and feedings!

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Past Due

So, my due date has come and gone…long gone.  As of today I am 5 days overdue and am scheduled to be induced on July 21st.  This past week has been the toughest yet, both physically and mentally/emotionally.  Even though I knew only 5% of women deliver on their actual due date and 50+% deliver after that day, I still thought maybe, just maybe, I would be one of the lucky few to go early or “on time”.  It really messes with your head when you wake up each day after your due date still pregnant.  You analyze every twinge and movement to the extreme and assume that you are going into labor at any moment.  And all you are really doing is making time tick by more slowly and stressing yourself out—or at least that is what I have been doing!  But to know that there is an end-date in sight brings hope and a sense of relief, even though induction is not the way I wanted my labor process to begin.  My good friend, Leslie, just had her baby yesterday (he is perfect and healthy and adorable, by the way), and it makes me that much more ready to have that experience, too.

As for the physical side, I am feeling more puffy and swollen than ever and my belly continues to grow.  Walking has become somewhat of a waddle and I have given up trying to find a comfortable position.  To say I am miserable might be a bit extreme, but I am certainly not enjoying how I feel by any means. Today at my check-up I was excited to hear that I have finally begun to dilate!  It is promising and even though the induction is still most likely, it gives me hope that I can deliver without a C-section (fingers crossed!).

This will likely be my last posting before Baby “T” makes her grand entrance into this world and I must say I have enjoyed the ride, despite all of the griping I seem to be doing lately.  Shawn and I are both over-the-moon excited to meet our daughter and become parents to the most amazing little human that was ever created!

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Almost There

I have been pregnant for 277 days now, and no I did not actually count (although, those who know me well would probably have thought I did—I have an app that tells me)!  That is a long freakin’ time!  Of course the first 30 or so days I didn’t know I was pregnant yet, but that still leaves about 250 days of knowingly carrying a life around inside me.  What a ride it has been!  I just went back through all of my previous posts and can remember how I was feeling when I wrote each of them—my hormonal shifts became quite obvious (especially with my last post)!  Even though I am beyond ready for this child to be born and am over being pregnant, I really wouldn’t change much about it…except for the swelling part that has dominated the past few weeks.  Other than that, I have thoroughly enjoyed this process and wouldn’t hesitate to do it again—although, maybe I should wait to say that after I experience labor and delivery!

Shawn finally convinced me to pack my hospital bag, or “go bag” as he calls it.  Call me crazy, but in my head I had this idea that if I packed it too early, I would be jinxing myself and I would end up being overdue.  Well, considering my due date is 3 days away, that seems like a likely possibility, so I went ahead and finally packed it.  My superstitious nature was hoping that the minute I finished packing the bag my water would break—not the case.

The nesting phase continues as well.  Now that the house is more organized and cleaner than it will ever be again, I have turned my attention to the kitchen and cooking/baking.  I don’t want to settle for cereal for breakfast so I have been making parfaits or eggs, sausage and smoothies; for lunch on the weekends, regular PB&J won’t cut it so I have been grilling them (amazing by the way); and dinners most nights, when I have the energy, I am trying at least one new recipe and we always have dessert now-a-days.  It’s certainly not gourmet, but I am really enjoying food preparation…and Shawn doesn’t seem to mind either J

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Payback is Hell!

Throughout the majority of my pregnancy I kept saying how “easy” everything has been—I did not really have morning sickness in the first trimester, I have been able to maintain my workouts and haven’t gained nearly as much weight as most people I know.  I feel like for the first 34 or so weeks I have been pretty lucky because I have felt so good…I should have known I was jinxing myself.  These past 4-6 weeks have become increasingly more difficult.  I understand that the last month of pregnancy is notoriously the hardest, but I was not expecting the fluid retention like I have had.  My poor feet and ankles are so swollen and tight.  I can no longer wear my wedding rings.  And I just feel like I have ballooned all over from this water weight.  It is quite painful, especially in the morning, and very uncomfortable.  I had to purchase two new pairs of flip flops, which are now the ONLY shoes my feet will fit into, and they are two sizes bigger than my regular shoe size!  I am so tired of people telling me that “it will all be over soon” and that “it will all be worth it in the end”.  I know this already and I tell myself that every day, but it does not help my feet to stop hurting now.  I think I have done a good job of maintaining a positive attitude all along, but to be honest, it is hard to be positive when you feel this big. I have carried this baby for more than 9 months—I have watched my body change in unthinkable ways and come to the realization that my life will forever be different, and already is—so just let me complain and whine when my body hurts.  I think I have earned it!  Now, let me get back to putting my “hooves” up, as a family friend so accurately described my feet.

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The Final Countdown

As of today, I am 38 weeks pregnant, which means that this baby could (and in my opinion should) come anytime now.  Knowing that my to-do list is almost complete makes me feel less anxious about this fact and is allowing me to just be excited.  I am constantly thinking about the labor process and how the birth might go, as well as how life will be at home in just a few short weeks.  I don’t think I have ever looked forward to something more in my life—even our wedding.

This past week has been somewhat tough physically; I no longer feel good the majority of the time.  It is just hot and humid and I am big and swollen.  I am getting to that point of wanting my body back and being “over” this whole pregnancy…most of the time.  Then there are moments where I am alone and she will kick and squirm inside me and I want nothing more than to feel that feeling forever.  Moments like that get me through the harder times—well, that and some TLC from Shawn.  I just keep telling myself that this won’t go on forever and will be over very soon…and it will have been more than worth it!

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A Few of My Favorite Things…

Throughout this pregnancy I have been thinking about things that I could not have lived without (or wouldn’t have wanted to).  Here is a list of my top 10 must-haves, in no particular order:

  1. My Leachco pregnancy pillow—it is a horseshoe-shaped pillow that encompasses me while I sleep.  I can safely sleep on my back or both sides and allows me to get comfortable even in the last few weeks.
  2. My Shiatsu back massager—this pillow-shaped massager leans against the couch and then I lie back against it.  It heats and massages the muscles along my spine and hips.  It has been a lifesaver, especially during the third trimester.
  3. Yoga pants/capris—while maternity clothing can be cute, it isn’t always the most comfortable.  Since I work in a fitness center, I wear workout clothes to work often and stretchy, soft yoga pants are perfect. I put them on as soon as I get home, too, if I wasn’t already wearing them!
  4. Frozen yogurt (specifically Skinny Dip)—ok, maybe I could have lived without this, but it is so good I really wouldn’t want to!  Before pregnancy I was not a huge sweets person, but dessert and candy are what I have craved this entire time.  Eating low fat or fat-free frozen yogurt (in a self-serve fashion) has helped satisfy my craving in the healthiest way possible…and it tastes amazing!
  5. My massage therapist, Sally—I have gotten monthly massages, and then bi-weekly massages, as my pregnancy progresses.  Having a therapist who is trained in prenatal massage has been wonderful.  She knows exactly where to massage and how much pressure to apply to work out all of the kinks!  And the best part is that insurance covers half of the cost of each one!
  6. Yoga—I teach classes at work and have also taken time for myself to take several classes here and there.  Moving and stretching in a way that feels good to my body (which could be very different every time) has been amazing.  I can really tell if I haven’t done yoga in a few days by how my body tightens up.
  7. My Pregnancy Journal—a co-worker gave me a pregnancy journal as a gift when I first announced I was pregnant.  It not only allows me to document milestones and day-to-day happenings, but each day it lists information about what is going on with the baby and tips for us as soon-to-be parents.  It is a tool I have used religiously and something I can pass onto our daughter to read when she is older.
  8. Bananas—other than my sweet tooth, I have craved bananas.  I think it is safe to say that I have had at least one banana (or something with bananas in it) every day since the start of the second trimester.  Perhaps my body needs the potassium—I don’t really care—I just know I want a banana (and often times with peanut butter on it!)
  9. Post-It Notes—now that I am pregnant, I forget EVERYTHING!!  If it weren’t for my brightly colored Post-Its, I don’t know what I would do.  I wouldn’t remember anything, that’s for sure.  I write down pretty much anything that I need to remember to do and then half the time, I forget where I put it J
  10. Shawn—I really do have the best husband.  He has been so supportive and caring throughout this new journey.  He doesn’t argue when I call him at work and ask him to pick up a pizza on the way home, or when I get him to rub my feet or my back (or both) after a long day.  He seems to understand what I need, sometimes even more than I do.  He is such a great partner for me, which is how I know he will be an even better dad to our baby girl!
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Checking Off the To-Do List

I am a big-time planner for everything I do.  I make lists like they are going out of style—sometimes I make a list of all the other lists I have going!  I am not very good with spontaneity because I like to know what is coming and what to expect (and I like to be ready for it).  Hi, my name is Brittany and I am Type-A.  All of that to say that the countdown to this baby being born is beginning to throw me for a loop.  I feel like there is still a lot that needs to be accomplished before she arrives and I can feel the time slipping away.  I know that as long as she has a place to sleep and several outfits to wear, she’ll be fine; the rest we can get after she’s born.  But that’s not how I operate.  I have this need to have everything ready by the time she decides to join us.  Speaking of that time, I now see the beauty behind scheduled C-sections—you know the exact date (and time) when your baby will be born.  I have no clue when she will be born and I won’t know until it starts to happen.  For a planner, that is tough.  So I have to keep reminding myself that what I am doing is enough, and it’s ok if the house isn’t spotless and the closets aren’t cleaned out (can you tell I’m nesting?).  Shawn is a huge help when it comes to easing my anxiety over this impending change because he is so calm and laid back.  He keeps me sane when I would otherwise be completely freaking out.

We were able to check one major item off of our to-do list recently though (which totally made me feel better).  We bought a new car!  We traded in my Mazda 6 (and they gave us more money than we could have gotten from a private sell since the car needed new tires and had about $500 in damage to the front fender), and got a brand new, beautiful Mazda CX 9.  It is roomy, sleek and has great features, like a back-up camera, blind spot monitoring and a power lift on the trunk.  I absolutely love it!  Most importantly, it is a safe car in which to have a baby.  Having that hurdle past us brings some comfort to me, but now it is onto checking off the rest of my list!

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Moving on…and Away

No, I’m not talking about us…we are staying put probably forever because we will never be able to afford to move once this baby comes 😉

My little sister, Leah, is moving to the Big Apple next week.  She and her boyfriend are leaving Raleigh to move into a 500 square foot studio apartment in Manhattan and they couldn’t be more excited.  It has been her dream to move to NYC for years and it is finally becoming a reality.  While I am so excited for her to pursue this dream, I am so sad that she won’t be around as much.  She has always been one of my best friends and we have only gotten closer as we get older.  I will miss hanging out on weekends or grabbing lunch on Fridays, as we are so accustomed to doing.  Mostly though I feel sad that she won’t be around to see her niece born and begin her life.  Of course she will come to visit, and hopefully we can travel there, but it certainly won’t be the same.  Knowing that my daughter’s aunt will be 500 miles away hurts my heart, but I know Leah will still be an amazing influence in her niece’s life.  This is why they invented Skype, right?

Those of us who love Leah most have grilled her, quizzed her and questioned this decision and she has shown us that she is mature and responsible and able to take this step on her own.  I am very proud of her courage and tenacity to see this dream into reality and wish nothing but the best for her (and Vlady) as they begin their lives together in an incredible city.

Leah and I at her going away party.

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Feeling Truly Blessed

The last two weeks have made me realize how many amazing people I have in my life, as if I had forgotten!  The weekend of May 14th, Shawn and I celebrated our two year anniversary by visiting the resort and restaurant where our wedding was held in Myrtle Beach.  Maybe I am just overly emotional (ok, I know I am!) but being there just brought back such great memories.  I still think about our wedding often and how much fun we had that entire weekend.  Being back in the same places brought all of that flooding to the surface and made for a wonderful getaway.  On our actual anniversary, May 16th, we celebrated again (you have to celebrate twice for your second anniversary, right?) by eating dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, Taverna Agora.  It is a Greek restaurant with authentic dishes and it was phenomenal…a perfect end to a fabulous weekend.

On May 21st I had my baby shower!  My best friend, Candace, came into town with a car load of stuff that made it look like she had just robbed a candy shop and party store!  She spent several months coordinating and planning this shower, with the help of my mom and Leah, to make it so incredibly special.  Twenty two of my closest friends and family came out to support Baby “T” and I, and truly showered us with gifts.  I still don’t know where we will put it all!  More than anything though, I was so touched by the outpouring of love from everyone.  I always knew I had great family and friends, and after this weekend, I will never forget it!

Me with my two wonderful hosts!

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Happy Anniversary!

Two years ago today I married a man who was kind, gentle, understanding, laid back and so loving.  Today, that man is all of those things times one hundred and so much more.  He has become my advocate; he “gets” me better than anyone; he is compassionate and caring; and he is about to become the most amazing father.  Over the past two years, I have proudly stood by his side as he introduces me as his wife and to now see the joy on his face as he tells people that we are having a baby is absolutely priceless.  I knew when Shawn and I began dating that he would be a good dad, but I never thought I would see his fatherly-instincts and characteristics begin before the baby was born.  He is protective, thoughtful and excited to meet “Baby T.”  I fall more in love with him as I watch him embrace this pregnancy in his own unique way, a way I cannot because I am not a dad.  So happy anniversary to my best friend and partner; I can’t wait to celebrate the next 50 years together…as parents.  I love you!

It's amazing how much changes in 2 years!

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